Walton & Hersham FC believes it is important to raise awareness and challenge discrimination in football.

It is everyone’s responsibility to call out discriminatory behaviour. This form of abuse includes a reference whether express or implied to any one or more of the following characteristics:

• Ethnic origin

• Colour

• Race

• Nationality

• Religion or belief

• Gender

• Gender reassignment

• Sexual Orientation

• Disability

If you’ve been a victim of discrimination, or you’ve witnessed somebody else being a victim of discrimination, please report it.

Ashton on Mersey FC are determined to provide an inclusive football experience for anyone who wishes to play, coach, officiate, administer, support or be involved in any role in football. An experience that is reflective of our diverse communities, safe for all and free from abuse and discrimination.

Please find our Anti-Discrimination Policy here

If you see, hear or experience abuse, then report it.

Here are the ways you can report it:

Club welfare officer: Mike Hooker
Telephone no: 07979 691756
Email: cwo@wahufc.com

If the CWO or a member of the Club committee is not available at any time, or the matter is clearly serious, all our members should be aware that they can: Contact the

  • CFA DSO directly
  • Contact the Police or Children’s Social Care; and/or
  • Call the NSPCC 24-hour Helpline for advice on 0808 800 5000 or text 88858 or email help@nspcc.org.uk

Surrey FA – https://www.surreyfa.com/
Telephone no: 0800 169 1863
Email:  Safeguarding@TheFA.com

The FA – Reporting Grassroots Discrimination Form

Kick It Out – https://www.kickitout.org/report
Telephone no:  02039678989
Email: report@kickitout.org